A Kék Melleken Túl könyv egy anya-lánya, illetve szexuálpszichológus és fotográfus párbeszéde a szexről, szexualitásról és párkapcsolatokról. A felvetett témák személyes és szakmai nézőpontból is megjelennek, amit színesít az elbeszélők korosztályos különbsége és köztük húzódó Budapest–New York tengely. A projekt egy könyvből és kiállítási anyagból épül fel, amiben fotók és tárgyak szabadon, változatos és játékos vizuális nyelvvel reagálnak a szövegekre.
Bede Zsuzsanna klinikai szakpszichológus több mint 30 éves magán praxissal a háta mögött, lánya Standovár Júlia, a MOMÉ-n, majd a School of Visual Arts mesterprogramján végzett és jelenleg New Yorkban élő fotográfus.
The Over The Blue Nipple Hills book project is a conversation between not just a mother and daughter but a sexual psychologist and a photographer about sexuality and relationships. The different topics are discussed from a personal and a professional point of view with the generational difference enhanced by the Budapest - New York axis. The project includes the book and an exhibition with prints and objects which reflect on the text with a playful visual language. Zsuzsanna Bede is a clinical psychologist who has been running her private practice in Budapest for more than 35 years. Her daughter Júlia Standovar is a visual artist graduated at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and after gained her MFA at School of Visual Arts in New York, she currently works and lives in Brooklyn.
The Over The Blue Nipple Hills book project is a conversation between not just a mother and daughter but a sexual psychologist and a photographer about sexuality and relationships. The different topics are discussed from a personal and a professional point of view with the generational difference enhanced by the Budapest - New York axis. The project includes the book and an exhibition with prints and objects which reflect on the text with a playful visual language. Zsuzsanna Bede is a clinical psychologist who has been running her private practice in Budapest for more than 35 years. Her daughter Júlia Standovar is a visual artist graduated at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and after gained her MFA at School of Visual Arts in New York, she currently works and lives in Brooklyn.
The Over The Blue Nipple Hills book project is a conversation between not just a mother and daughter but a sexual psychologist and a photographer about sexuality and relationships. The different topics are discussed from a personal and a professional point of view with the generational difference enhanced by the Budapest - New York axis. The project includes the book and an exhibition with prints and objects which reflect on the text with a playful visual language. Zsuzsanna Bede is a clinical psychologist who has been running her private practice in Budapest for more than 35 years. Her daughter Júlia Standovar is a visual artist graduated at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and after gained her MFA at School of Visual Arts in New York, she currently works and lives in Brooklyn.
The Over The Blue Nipple Hills book project is a conversation between not just a mother and daughter but a sexual psychologist and a photographer about sexuality and relationships. The different topics are discussed from a personal and a professional point of view with the generational difference enhanced by the Budapest - New York axis. The project includes the book and an exhibition with prints and objects which reflect on the text with a playful visual language. Zsuzsanna Bede is a clinical psychologist who has been running her private practice in Budapest for more than 35 years. Her daughter Júlia Standovar is a visual artist graduated at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and after gained her MFA at School of Visual Arts in New York, she currently works and lives in Brooklyn.